Joshua Fraser rated it: it was amazing
Joshua Fraser
Must read for ALL entrepreneurs.
Kalle Wescott rated it: it was amazing
Kalle Wescott
I’m giving this book 5 stars because of the story, what G did and how he did it.
I am fascinated by success stories and am always interested in what people did, or what companies did, to succeed, and this one is no different – very interesting and educational.
This is a great backstory to ClickAgents – G starting that company when he’s 16, dropping out of high school the following year, and then selling that company for $40 million at 18 to VCLK. (Clearly a late starter compared to Ben Casnocha, but he caught up quick :-).
You gotta admire his moxie and hustle and how he bootstraps the company with no money by buying software to manage online ads for $30k, paying it net 90, finds a bunch of companies to take his ads, and then finds that first customer who pays $30k up front for their first ad placement.
The cultural dissonance and evolution he describes (includes eventually cutting his hair!), after moving from India and growing up in the Silicon Valley as a sikh was interesting to me as well, as a fellow immigrant to the same region in the 1980s from Asia.
JK. E. Hawkins rated it: it was amazing
K. E. Hawkins
One of my favorite books.
An autobiography of a young teenager who became an entrepreneur and made millions. He gives specific details about how he did it which I found informative and amazing.
This book is funny, philosophical, and extremely well written. G has made me a fan of his and I hope he writes another book soon.
Deep Mistry rated it: it was amazing
Deep Mistry
Touching and inspiring.
When my cousin first introduced me to this book I was skeptical at first that this was just another one of those successful tycoons telling their life, but this one was different in a good way. The author and I had a lot of similarities starting with his parents came from India just like mine and at the age of 16 he had a passion of doing something big just like me. Honestly this book relates to me so much because of how many similarities the author and I have. At the age of 16 I have a big passion to do something big like the author did and he showed me how and what it takes. This an inspiring book, if your young, into business, and want to do something big then read this book. The guy was just sixteen when he became the next big thing. Changed me in the way I look at things and making me want to do something big. Touching and inspiring.
Thomas Moore rated it: it was amazing
Thomas Moore
Very inspiring book and I love his life story.
Gurbaksh is somebody I would recommend to everybody look into.
Jibi Abraham rated it: it was amazing
Jibi Abraham
I Liked this book very much, coz he told everything a simple manner, he adds many things to our learning curve. It’s not something great but something great. I treat him as an unseen guru
Arthur Charlez rated it: it was amazing
Arthur Charlez
The book is littered with life and business lessons.
A very engaging read about a Sikh boy from India who came to America at a very young age, became interested in business and launched his first business that got sold for $40 million shortly after his 18th birthday.
He goes through the whole thing of starting a business again 3 years later and then sells that business for R300 million.
The book is littered with life and business lessons. I feel this book is going to be come a reference work for me in my business.